Sunday, March 21, 2010

How To Calm Allegic Reaction To Eyebrow Waxing

Third Week - New Compensation Table

Gena Siraj A tribute to the winner of today's Rome Marathon, and the legendary Alex Zanardi, with the winner on his handbike super time of 1h 15m 53s.
I followed the race to sign the last km, just before the final ascent that led to the goal, sending impressed with both the stride and the movements of the first Ethiopian (seemed to fly) and for the enormous effort that the disabled of all other participants. A praise to everyone. In my little

conlcudo the third week of workouts and results, in terms of feelings and heart rate begin to give me his first successes.

I ran 30 minutes at an average rate of CL 5.36/Km covering a distance of miles with a 5:38 fcmedia of 148 bpm.
stretch was followed by five 100-meter and the usual 20 minutes to upgrade.

THURSDAY 'Training
I like most about me and stimulates the fartlek.
I have traveled a distance of 9.30 km running 20 'CL 30' fartlek medium / slow (3 'medium and 3' slow). I have maintained an average rate of 5.23/Km and fcmedia of 156 bpm.

I anticipated a slow Sunday to Saturday to attend the marathon. I ran
1h CL Km along at a pace of 10:50 and 5.44/Km mantendedo a fcmedia of 155 bpm.

As I said, I am pleased with the week ended because the body reacts well and above the frequencies begin to fall within the range of 150-155 bpm during a CL.

again congratulate all those who have run in Rome and especially the bloggers.


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