Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Accessorize A Green Dress

This award is a kind of public appreciation that we can assign to blogs and bloggers that we are more expensive!

What should I do:
1. Post thank our people who have rewarded us.
2. Write a post for the award.
3. Increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
5. Telling rewarded.

I have to thank the blog Stardust rewarded for having me again!
It is already the second award I receive is always lei.Grazie!
My blog is really simple, unpretentious and perhaps I have always liked to questo.Non time to update it but I do and I'm very happy because for me it is a great passion that I like to share with you.
blogs that I mention are:


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