Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ewelina Włodarz Pyskowice


What can I say: it was really a very good one yesterday evening to Cantinone. For myself it was the debut ever in the lair of the Roman blogtrotters and frankly I had a bit of curiosity to know and be able to meet all those familiar faces for months now, but only "virtually". After the first, well-understood presentation of 5 minutes, the rest of the evening as if I flew in with their new friends for a lifetime. He also talked about race, but of a kind in the former and a lot of pitchers of red wine has also talked about politics, women, soccer ... all those arguments that can bring together a dozen men, in short . Fortunately I discovered that there is a fringe composed of red and black and Math Francorre ... luckily, I thought of having to suffer alone for the victories of Inter, as they say: Joint pain, halved!
Here is a brief photographic guide that could not start with the legendary Yogi.

In this photo Yogy sets satisfied the hand that had touched a few moments before Nanni Moretti, in the company of a young girl

Here are two photos of large group after dinner

curtain Nice post dinner. The Caliph, Yogy, Math, Alexis and myself head to the Pyramid, where he staged a Yogy peddling t-shirts, capellini, shoes, gloves and shorts that are selling among Japanese tourists and even some Italian-Brazilians: D

conclude the post with a reflection. After the decision to abandon GianCarlo (permanently or temporarily) on his blog, followed some debate about why that has pushed each of us to start a blog and usefulness and purpose of the movement of blogtrotters. The answer, in my view, it's all in the photos that show us smiling and satiated in good company. Regardless of the time, from training, the individual talent, the real miracle of this movement (the Internet has also positive aspects) is precisely in having brought together the stories, characters and personalities at the table together, rehearsed like old friends.


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