But exist or not exist? PIT STOP 2
The G-spot is still fighting the scholars: "Its existence is indisputable"
It reopens the debate on women's erogenous zone. A group of French scholars denies the search for English gentlemen who had denied the existence. The opinion of the Italians: "There is, but we rename it"
The G-spot is the big star of female sexuality and periodically returns to the center of the debate. It is a privilege for all, say some doctors. Others say, no it is not for anyone. Just a few weeks ago, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, has reopened the debate: "The G-spot is a myth propagated by magazines and some therapists."
But today a group of French doctors back in the limelight, devoting a conference to discuss the most erogenous zone of all time. The researchers say there are too many confusing myths: it is not guaranteed to work resulting in orgasm, is not true that the same size for all women and, finally, we can not say that it is in the same place for all.
The French doctor in question is called Sylvain Mimoun and denied the British at King's College London researchers, led by Andrea Burri instead were convinced it was the brainchild of scientists. "The G-spot exists - Mimoun says - is the function to create an orgasm. If a woman regularly practice masturbation is more likely to discover that this area is more or less, to three centimeters from the entrance of the vagina. " In short, the more you investigate, the more we are likely to be discovered to have him.
But then the G-spot exists or does not exist? "Research Peer English - Emmanuele Jannini explains, author of the study that has documented the existence, published in 2008 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine - is based on a survey of over 900 pairs of British twins, single and heterozygotes. Identical twins share genes but not the sensations of orgasm. " The study English, goes on to explain to the expert, has drawn conclusions on an anatomical point of view without asking your doctor. "That leaves us perplexed."
Of course, discussions will not leave everything unchanged. "Perhaps the time has come where it will be renamed. Will not talk about more than G-spot but the area. It will affect all anatomical area that includes the inner part of the clitoris, the corpus cavernosum of the penis such as the Skene's glands and nerves using the same biochemical factors of the erection. But it is unnecessary to discuss the existence - Jannini claims - because the fact remains that there are women who are able to experience the vaginal orgasm. " I mean you just have to wait for the debate go on to see if more will be said to point G or more.
source: www.corriere.it
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Panadora Stock Symbol
I start to write with difficulty after the sonic blow (to AC Milan, alas) in yesterday's derby. A clear and indisputable superiority rarely I had seen. Sports and objectives should be against the winners, who for years have been the strongest team in Italy. There were better times and return, everything is cyclical, everything goes and everything goes back. Just be patient.
After this brief bitter football brackets need to register an equally bitter Running parentheses. Last week I finished the first month and a half of training, made exclusively of slow running, with 45 minutes and 60 minutes running around with average heart rate to 148 bpm. Sunday morning I had planned a speed test to test my max HR and this week I finally had to start with a table that would have added some quality one way to slow.
Friday, the day after the 60-minute quiet running slow, just wake up I feel a pain in the sole of right foot pain that unfortunately I feel today. An internet search leads me to think that it is proximal plantar fasciitis. The pain is exactly is the point from the image shown below.
What are the symptoms?
plantar fasciitis usually occurs insidiously in the beginning of an activity such as running will show the pain that tends to disappear with the continuation of that year, at rest, the pain usually disappears completely. Usually the athlete out of bed in the morning has a rather painful lameness accompanied by stiffness, which also disappears after a short heating. Usually pain is felt when one door on tiptoe and / walking on their heels. The pain is described as a kind of "migration", which tends to have different locations. In addition, plantar fasciitis is usually associated with stiffness of the Achilles tendon.
How to intervene?
Notwithstanding the fact that the plantar fasciitis is usually a lesion in spontaneous resolution, must still comply with the following points:
* During the acute phase of local application of ice.
* The application of heat is generally not recommended because it
causes an expansion of the connective tissue that can in turn exert pressure on nerves
and thus exacerbate the pain.
In any case, the application of heat should immediately follow
the ice.
* Check that shoes are normally used during sports
do not increase the load sull'aponeurosi foot, or check
especially that they are not, neither too hard nor too soft.
* Use the shoes a "shank" to better absorb impacts
during the race.
* Reduce training load, to avoid temporary
the race that can be temporarily replaced by bicycle and / or swimming.
* Do stretching the plantar fascia, Achilles tendon and calf muscles
not only affected limb, but as a preventive
, also on the healthy.
When you can return to sports?
Although well treated an injury of some severity, that is present in the chronic form, requires healing time of the order of about 6 months. Unfortunately, you must remember that the effects are quite common and the problem can recur after a few months. Many of these effects are still attributable to excessive desire of the athlete in returning to sport too soon, which is often echoed in the presence of residual pain. This is a serious error, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, the sport definitely should not be resumed unless it is completely free of pain and to avoid possible unpleasant consequences. If an appropriate treatment despite the problem persists for more than 6-12 months, you may decide for the surgical treatment that involves the use of different techniques, among which, more than normally used, provides for the release of the plantar fascia from its insertion on calcaneus by surgical incision. In this case the return to sports requires time between 2 and 3 months, although often they are dilated. The most frequent complications are defined as the persistent pain at the incision or the medial calcaneal nerve injury following the intervention. The use of surgical treatment, though rare, it guarantees a success rate in 75 - 80% of cases.
incazzatura Apart from this second accident in my brief business Running, rule out the weight as the cause of the accident (I always had a slim body but when I run and now I have lost 9 kg weight 74-75 kg for 185 cm), shoes (bought a few months ago and not be so shock-absorbing and far from worn) or excessive exercise (the last month and a half, I only slow progress very quiet and never overdo it). I train on the asphalt and I do not think that's the problem since I always run on that fund.
What more I despair, in addition to yet another stop, surely they are the supposed time of recovery that I have read on the internet.
From Friday as a precaution I do not run and I'm doing daily stretching exercises of the calf, followed by cryotherapy and arnicagel.
The moral is not the best but do not give up.
Obviously if someone has already had to deal with this problem, the boards are absolutely welcome.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dodge Grand Caravan Fit Mattress
Running is good for the brain
stimulates growth of new neurons and creates a 'healthy' dependence, with effects similar to cannabis
ROME - Who 'runs' every day is a favor to her body but also to his brain, promoting some specific capacity. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal of the American Academy of Sciences (PNAS) conducted in "rat runners" by the team of Henriette van Praag of the National Institute on Aging, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, in Baltimore. Many studies both in humans and in animals have shown that exercise produces profound benefits for cognitive function, in children and young adults are found a strong positive association between physical activity and learning ability. Instead, the elderly exercise can slow the onset of memory defaillance those typical of the elderly.
EFFECT ON BRAIN - The race in particular, writing in PNAS, the authors of this study was shown to have profound effects on the brain in mice improves learning and memory and what results are related to structural changes and physiological hippocampal (middle memory), the stroke increases the production of neurotrophic factors (the "food" of the brain), increases the cerebral vasculature, neural plasticity. The race itself was even more miraculous effects. One study, for example, has shown that running is like smoking marijuana, but without side effects, it circulates psychoactive substances similar to principles in the plant, which act on the brain, giving feelings of euphoria.
A 'healthy addiction' - Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Irvine have thus explained the phenomenon that is called from the seventies in America, "euphoria of the runner." It is the result of a mechanism put in place to protect the body from pain and to better withstand the stress during muscle activity. In fact, running the body produces high levels of anandamide, a molecule with the same properties as tetracannabinoidi issued by the marijuana on the nervous system. Now the experts have shown that adult mice that voluntarily run better able to overcome the spatial ability tests, to what is associated with neurogenesis, ie the birth of new neurons in strategic areas of the brain for learning and memory. In elderly mice but the effect is not known. Without the constraint of a card to be met at the gym, face to face with the green city, the race is then a simple and inexpensive to train not only the body but also the mind.
source: www.corriere.it
stimulates growth of new neurons and creates a 'healthy' dependence, with effects similar to cannabis
ROME - Who 'runs' every day is a favor to her body but also to his brain, promoting some specific capacity. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal of the American Academy of Sciences (PNAS) conducted in "rat runners" by the team of Henriette van Praag of the National Institute on Aging, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, in Baltimore. Many studies both in humans and in animals have shown that exercise produces profound benefits for cognitive function, in children and young adults are found a strong positive association between physical activity and learning ability. Instead, the elderly exercise can slow the onset of memory defaillance those typical of the elderly.
EFFECT ON BRAIN - The race in particular, writing in PNAS, the authors of this study was shown to have profound effects on the brain in mice improves learning and memory and what results are related to structural changes and physiological hippocampal (middle memory), the stroke increases the production of neurotrophic factors (the "food" of the brain), increases the cerebral vasculature, neural plasticity. The race itself was even more miraculous effects. One study, for example, has shown that running is like smoking marijuana, but without side effects, it circulates psychoactive substances similar to principles in the plant, which act on the brain, giving feelings of euphoria.
A 'healthy addiction' - Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Irvine have thus explained the phenomenon that is called from the seventies in America, "euphoria of the runner." It is the result of a mechanism put in place to protect the body from pain and to better withstand the stress during muscle activity. In fact, running the body produces high levels of anandamide, a molecule with the same properties as tetracannabinoidi issued by the marijuana on the nervous system. Now the experts have shown that adult mice that voluntarily run better able to overcome the spatial ability tests, to what is associated with neurogenesis, ie the birth of new neurons in strategic areas of the brain for learning and memory. In elderly mice but the effect is not known. Without the constraint of a card to be met at the gym, face to face with the green city, the race is then a simple and inexpensive to train not only the body but also the mind.
source: www.corriere.it
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Engravable Baby Spoon
When updating the blog I am in parentheses after the Turin three days last week.
workouts while still without forcing it, so I'm limiting to grind km in depth and slow knee problem looks like a past memory.
The following workouts last period:
1) 35 minutes (6500 meters)
2) 50 minutes (9000 meters) Average HR 164 bpm
3) 40 minutes (6900 m) Average HR 150 bpm
4) 55 minutes (9850 m) Average HR 164 bpm
With the help of cardio, with the Forerunner 305 I'm beginning to appreciate and understand the importance of heart rate in training and hope to have some important evidence in a couple of months. The program provides immediate
other two workouts running slow (45 minutes and 60 minutes) and then start with a table a little more specific by introducing quality of my workouts.
The last comment is found for Ronaldinho: music and magic!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Lighting Stores In Manhattan
workouts last week and New Year ... frequency Heart
I'm back to update the blog after the parenthesis in my Christmas Salento. All in all I have done well: no binge sensational, a little wine and beer, even if I could not resist that sweet face of the Christmas tradition requires Salento.
I was able to devote some time to sport: two training sessions of 40 minutes, respectively (7000 m) and 55 minutes (9700 meters), a bit of stretching and strengthening, and two small parties to football after so many months. I wanted to do more, but between the time you made a fuss, the outputs with friends and the arrival my girl, it was not possible. The good thing is that everything is going well and I have not experienced knee pain even after the football games.
Now in the new year of events in store for me that (extra sports) are very important.
From the point of view instead of the race will be my first year since I run only a few months and very slowly I am discovering aspects, of the details of a world for me to discover.
I was finally able to sell my Garmin Forerunner 205 and a profit in 1995 thanks to € 90 other € of my girlfriend (as a birthday, January 8, turned 27 years old!) Last night I bought the Garmin Forerunner 305 which among other features allows me to evaluate a parameter that I had always mistakenly overlooked: the heart rate.
'm trying to understand the real importance of this parameter is in the race as "train" your heart rate and how to properly evaluate it in setting training sessions. We welcome tips, reviews and personal evaluations.
Here's an bit 'of information I found online.
Heart rate is one of the vital functions, along with body temperature, blood pressure and respiration rate. It is measured as the number of heartbeats per minute (bpm). The heart rate of an adult at rest varies greatly from person to person. May vary between 60 and 80 beats per minute, but there's also some people under 40. Under strenuous effort, however, there are people who come to 220 beats per minute and others who have never exceeded 180. When running for a few months you notice that your resting heart rate decreases, sometimes dramatically. This is a good thing, because the trained heart pump a greater quantity of blood with each beat, and then fails to do his job with a lower frequency. The maximum heart rate instead is the maximum frequency of contraction of the heart that an individual can reach with the utmost intensity physical activity. We define instead
Range (or Range) Heart (Q) the volume (in liters) of blood in a ventricle can not eject a minute. It is determined by the product of heart rate and stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped by a ventricle during a single contraction). Under resting conditions, cardiac output of a man of average size is approximately 5 L / min, while during a maximal incremental exertion cardiac output can rise to 20 L / min (35-40 L / min in professional athletes). At rest, stroke volume is around 70 mL and may increase to 90-100 mL during exercise. Cardiac output may increase or decrease, depending on several factors. These changes may include heart rate or stroke volume, but generally after a modification of one of the other parameters Dua undergoes subsequent adjustments.
cardiac output and muscular blood flow in the muscles increases in proportion to the increase of energy demand. This is done through a convoy of more blood to your muscles working and an increase in cardiac output.
The cardiovascular system carries out these functional adaptations by increasing heart rate and diverting the blood in the districts concerned. During these processes the blood pressure is kept constant. Heart rate varies for the action of nerves that innervate the heart and the action of hormones outstanding (adrenaline and acetylcholine, which causes tachycardia, which causes bradycardia): This is the "extrinsic control" of the heart rate.
Cardiac output and heart rate at rest
The resting cardiac output varies with the emotional situation that gives rise to conditions arising from the neural cortex. On average is approximately 5 liters per minute and does not vary between individuals and not trained.
In untrained subjects (healthy males) cardiac output of 5 liters per minute is achieved with a frequency of 70 beats per minute and a stroke volume of 71 ml (In women the values \u200b\u200bare lower by about 25%).
The subjects trained for endurance tests achieve the same cardiac output with a relatively low frequency (eg 50 beats per minute) and a greater range pulse (eg 100 ml). The heart has a larger size.
The most important parameter to modulate the intensity of the training effort, but how to evaluate the intensity of effort in terms of objective?
measuring the theoretical maximum heart rate.
The intensity can be modulated as a function of percentage of the maximum frequency, in particular:
50 to 60%
very moderate activities (suitable for those who must re-educate the body for physical activity. Example: running slow )
60 to 70% activity aimed at weight loss (adapted for regeneration activities or to get a body slimming)
70 - 80%
Endurance (Only for those who are already trained and wants to maintain and develop the training)
89 to 90% agonistic activity
(Only for those who want to achieve at a competitive level.)
To calculate the theoretical maximum heart rate is used for several years, the Karvonen formula by the name of the Finnish scholar who first worked out. Under this rule, the theoretical maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age to 220.
FC MAX = 220-AGE
The calculation formula is pretty simple and easy to remember. However, this a general rule, certainly not without error, calculated from the average population. Some studies have demonstrated the existence of an important interindividual variability of maximum heart rate that can reach up to 10-15%.
In recent years we have introduced a new relationship between heart rate and age, Hirofumi Tanaka discovered by Japanese scientist during a study conducted at the University of Boulder, Colorado. The formula of the same name is a bit more complex than the previous one but also more precise.
FC MAX = 208 - 0.7 * AGE
Under that rule, the theoretical maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting to 208, the product of the constant 0.7 for age in years. Or, expressing the concept in other words, the theoretical maximum heart rate is obtained by subtracting the 70 to 208% of their age.
I'm back to update the blog after the parenthesis in my Christmas Salento. All in all I have done well: no binge sensational, a little wine and beer, even if I could not resist that sweet face of the Christmas tradition requires Salento.
I was able to devote some time to sport: two training sessions of 40 minutes, respectively (7000 m) and 55 minutes (9700 meters), a bit of stretching and strengthening, and two small parties to football after so many months. I wanted to do more, but between the time you made a fuss, the outputs with friends and the arrival my girl, it was not possible. The good thing is that everything is going well and I have not experienced knee pain even after the football games.
Now in the new year of events in store for me that (extra sports) are very important.
From the point of view instead of the race will be my first year since I run only a few months and very slowly I am discovering aspects, of the details of a world for me to discover.
I was finally able to sell my Garmin Forerunner 205 and a profit in 1995 thanks to € 90 other € of my girlfriend (as a birthday, January 8, turned 27 years old!) Last night I bought the Garmin Forerunner 305 which among other features allows me to evaluate a parameter that I had always mistakenly overlooked: the heart rate.
'm trying to understand the real importance of this parameter is in the race as "train" your heart rate and how to properly evaluate it in setting training sessions. We welcome tips, reviews and personal evaluations.
Here's an bit 'of information I found online.
Heart rate is one of the vital functions, along with body temperature, blood pressure and respiration rate. It is measured as the number of heartbeats per minute (bpm). The heart rate of an adult at rest varies greatly from person to person. May vary between 60 and 80 beats per minute, but there's also some people under 40. Under strenuous effort, however, there are people who come to 220 beats per minute and others who have never exceeded 180. When running for a few months you notice that your resting heart rate decreases, sometimes dramatically. This is a good thing, because the trained heart pump a greater quantity of blood with each beat, and then fails to do his job with a lower frequency. The maximum heart rate instead is the maximum frequency of contraction of the heart that an individual can reach with the utmost intensity physical activity. We define instead
Range (or Range) Heart (Q) the volume (in liters) of blood in a ventricle can not eject a minute. It is determined by the product of heart rate and stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped by a ventricle during a single contraction). Under resting conditions, cardiac output of a man of average size is approximately 5 L / min, while during a maximal incremental exertion cardiac output can rise to 20 L / min (35-40 L / min in professional athletes). At rest, stroke volume is around 70 mL and may increase to 90-100 mL during exercise. Cardiac output may increase or decrease, depending on several factors. These changes may include heart rate or stroke volume, but generally after a modification of one of the other parameters Dua undergoes subsequent adjustments.
cardiac output and muscular blood flow in the muscles increases in proportion to the increase of energy demand. This is done through a convoy of more blood to your muscles working and an increase in cardiac output.
The cardiovascular system carries out these functional adaptations by increasing heart rate and diverting the blood in the districts concerned. During these processes the blood pressure is kept constant. Heart rate varies for the action of nerves that innervate the heart and the action of hormones outstanding (adrenaline and acetylcholine, which causes tachycardia, which causes bradycardia): This is the "extrinsic control" of the heart rate.
Cardiac output and heart rate at rest
The resting cardiac output varies with the emotional situation that gives rise to conditions arising from the neural cortex. On average is approximately 5 liters per minute and does not vary between individuals and not trained.
In untrained subjects (healthy males) cardiac output of 5 liters per minute is achieved with a frequency of 70 beats per minute and a stroke volume of 71 ml (In women the values \u200b\u200bare lower by about 25%).
The subjects trained for endurance tests achieve the same cardiac output with a relatively low frequency (eg 50 beats per minute) and a greater range pulse (eg 100 ml). The heart has a larger size.
The most important parameter to modulate the intensity of the training effort, but how to evaluate the intensity of effort in terms of objective?
measuring the theoretical maximum heart rate.
The intensity can be modulated as a function of percentage of the maximum frequency, in particular:
50 to 60%
very moderate activities (suitable for those who must re-educate the body for physical activity. Example: running slow )
60 to 70% activity aimed at weight loss (adapted for regeneration activities or to get a body slimming)
70 - 80%
Endurance (Only for those who are already trained and wants to maintain and develop the training)
89 to 90% agonistic activity
(Only for those who want to achieve at a competitive level.)
To calculate the theoretical maximum heart rate is used for several years, the Karvonen formula by the name of the Finnish scholar who first worked out. Under this rule, the theoretical maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age to 220.
FC MAX = 220-AGE
The calculation formula is pretty simple and easy to remember. However, this a general rule, certainly not without error, calculated from the average population. Some studies have demonstrated the existence of an important interindividual variability of maximum heart rate that can reach up to 10-15%.
In recent years we have introduced a new relationship between heart rate and age, Hirofumi Tanaka discovered by Japanese scientist during a study conducted at the University of Boulder, Colorado. The formula of the same name is a bit more complex than the previous one but also more precise.
FC MAX = 208 - 0.7 * AGE
Under that rule, the theoretical maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting to 208, the product of the constant 0.7 for age in years. Or, expressing the concept in other words, the theoretical maximum heart rate is obtained by subtracting the 70 to 208% of their age.
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